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Internal Audit Organization


Internal audit is subordinate to board of directors, composed of two staff members that are full-time


chief audit executive and auditors , and sets up substitute staff system.


Appointment or discharge of chief audit executive should be approved by the board of directors.


Chief audit executive should attend board of directors meeting to report audit business which includes


audit of parent company and subsidiaries.


Appointment, dismissal, evaluation and review, salary and compensation of internal auditors are submitted


by the chief auditor to the board chairman for approval.


According to BRT’s “Corporate Governance Principles”, the Company’s chief auditor shall report to 


the Chairman of the Board on the status of internal auditors’ appointment and dismissal,


performance assessment, and remuneration.



Internal Audit Activity


By the end of each fiscal year, the chief audit executive formulates the annual audit plans based on


the results of the risk assessment that is passed by the board of directors. The scope of internal audit


activities and the periodic reports submit to the Securities and Futures Bureau are according to the


“Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies “promulgated


by the SFB providing reasonable assurance that internal control systems are effective.


Internal audit regularly review the self-assessment report that made by other units with deficiency of


internal control discovered by audit staff and improvement progress of the abnormal activities, and


the report is the reference for the board of directors and general manager to assess the effectiveness


of internal control system and issue management's reports on internal control.



Audit Process And Explanation